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Regular school attendance plays an important part in helping your child grow up to become a reliable and responsible person. There are now clear links between regular school attendance and children’s attainment in later life.


365 Days in the year
Only 190 of these are days!
Absence from school
100% Attendance
190 days in school
0 days 
95% Attendance
180 days in school
Up to 2 weeks
90% Attendance
171 days in school
Up to 4 weeks
85% Attendance
161 days in school
Up to 6 weeks
80% Attendance
152 days in school
More than 1/2 a term
75% Attendance
143 days in school
9 weeks and more

Here at The Willows School we aim for every child to achieve at least 95% attendance.

Our whole school attendance target is to achieve 95% or above.



Getting to school on time is part of learning to become a responsible and reliable person.

  • Our school day begins at 8:50am
  • If you are running late please call the school office on - 020 8841 7176
  • On arrival at school, please report to the school office so that your child can be appropriately marked in the register

10 Top Tips

  •  Get your school clothes ready the night before
  •  Pack your school bag and homework the night before
  • Don’t go to bed late
  • Set alarm clock 5 minutes earlier
  • Enjoy your breakfast - Don’t watch TV
  • Get washed and dressed
  • Leave for school at the same time each morning (set yourself a target time to leave the house and reward yourself for being on time!)
  • Arrange to walk to school with a friend or to meet your friends in the playground for a catch up before school 

It is no coincidence that higher attendance leads to higher academic achievement and the Department for Education expect that each pupil should achieve at least 95% school attendance.

When we have concerns regarding individual pupil attendance we will be contacting parents/carers and this will be an opportunity for you to discuss your child’s school attendance and where appropriate punctuality. From this point we may take the following steps to improve your child’s school attendance/punctuality:

  • place your child’s school attendance on a four week monitoring period with a view to seeing an improvement
  •   contact your child’s GP, with your consent, to establish if your child has medical needs which may prevent them from attending school
  •  with your consent, make a referral to the school nursing team, to put in place a care plan to help establish good patterns of school attendance/punctuality
  •  where we feel, we have exhausted all supportive options, we will look to refer your child’s school attendance to the Local Authority with a view to securing a fine or prosecution in the Magistrate’s Court.