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Teaching and Learning at The Willows


Curriculum Aims

We aim to develop the following knowledge and skills in our pupils:

  • To take responsibility for their own personal safety with an ability to identity and respond to unsafe situations
  • To be literate and numerate to an appropriate standard for their chronological age, ability and experience
  • To speak with confidence using varied and appropriate language and to listen attentively to others.
  • To explore the possibilities of technology and to be mindful of the safety measures and responsibility that comes with it
  • To develop scientific, environmental, geographic, historical, cultural and spiritual knowledge of the world.
  • To value and respect all people, cultures and religions as well as their own.
  • To develop good friendship and social skills and to be caring, empathetic, happy, self-aware individuals.
  • To be emotionally resilient, being able to resolve conflicts in a calm, reasoned way whilst maintaining self discipline.
  • To have good problem solving, research and organisational skills in their learning and other experiences.
  • To be able to work effectively individually and as part of a team.
  • To be good, honest, responsible socially conscious citizens with aspirations for their futures.
  • To kickstart an active healthy lifestyle, both physical and mental.
  • To be confident, resilient and able to take calculated risks.
  • To have a deeper understanding of both the school values and fundamental British Values.

Our Curriculum Intent

Our goal is to enable the children to have a unique, special, unforgettable and successful primary school experience. Our aim is for pupils to be immersed in a positive and happy environment that helps them to gain a love of learning and a zest for life. The curriculum at the Willows not only prepares the children for the next stage in education, it enables them to acquire skills and knowledge for life. Its special and positive culture includes unique experiences that broaden the enlighten the children's often challenged lives.

Our curriculum is built on strong pedagogical principles, with every child encouraged to meet and achieve their potential. We make it our aim to discover what children are good at and, along with a very strong school ethos, we use this to promote a positive attitude to learning. The curriculum we deliver is broad and balanced, with opportunities for all pupils to celebrate, share, and learn about their different cultural and spiritual beliefs and to also feel proud of their British culture and identity.

The pupils enjoy an enquiry based curriculum where there is a clear development of essential skills and knowledge. Many pupils may not have access at home to the learning and experiences that may be enjoyed by other children and our approach redresses that imbalance. Our pupils are guided to develop a deep love of learning through curriculum content which is designed to be life-enhancing. It is inclusive of every pupil.

This curriculum includes real life experiences and additional enrichment in order to raise achievement and widen opportunity for the many challenged children at our schools. We use a method of learning called Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction. The curriculum is interwoven into a very carefully planned year of events for the whole school which include many special days and events, including Science Week, Diwiali, Cultural Day, World Health Day, E- Safety Day etc.

Curriculum Implementation

The curriculum is delivered through the method of Rosenshine's Principles of instruction and pupils are immersed in learning throughout the school day and beyond. We deliver a curriculum that is exciting and relevant. We use Phonics International for systematic phonic teaching and early reading skills with dedicated extended time to literacy lessons and the teaching of reading and writing. We use high quality texts and resources. For Reading we have embedded the PM reading programme which allows for an in-depth understanding of fluency and comprehension for each pupil.

Maths is taught rigorously through our very own bespoke maths programme based on the CPA approach throughout the whole school. Models boards are used in a consistent format allowing for students to have a familiar pathway with the "I do, We do, You do" scaffolded learning approach.

The rest of the curriculum has been carefully designed to engage learners and enquiry-based learning features highly through the International Primary Curriculum. The school has adapted the curriculum to help reflect and represent the diversity and challenge of our pupils. Creativity and teacher expertise is woven into the curriculum with specialist teachers and outside agencies working with pupils and teachers, sharing excellent practice ensuring each pupil receives an outstanding education, tailored to their individual needs.

Each subject area has a subject intent and an annual action plan which outlines development opportunities and clearly links with the school development plan.

Curriculum Impact

The impact of the curriculum is monitored though triangulation of outcomes: pupil voice, test/data outcomes, planning, monitoring of books and displays, lesson learning walks, discussions with teaching staff, pupils and parents.

Pupils, parents and staff are consistently and regularly consulted about the curriculum and the impact that it makes.

The desired outcomes of the curriculum will ensure that pupils are well rounded students, ready to embark on high school education. They will be equipped with the foundations and skills to achieve success in later education. Pupils will know what they are good at and where their talents lie and will have also developed skills to face their challenges.

If you would like further information on the delivery of the curriculum at The Willows, please contact your child's teacher directly or alternatively contact us here.