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Ofsted Lead Inspector

All statutory information regarding the The Willows School Academy Trust can be seen though the links below. Information is updated regularly as data changes.


 Articles of Association Articles of Association
Academy Policies Academy Policies
Designated Safeguarding Lead and Team

Lead: Sue Hales-Owen 



Formal Complaints in the Year: 



Number of Formal Complaints Received: 0

Funding Agreement

Academy's Funding Agreement

Governors  Governance

KS2 School Performance Table

Local Offer Local Offer
Last Ofsted Report

Ofsted Report

Ofsted Parent View Information and Link
Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium 

Pupil Premium Strategy

PE and Sport Premium
School Mission and Vision  Vision, Values and Mission statement

SEND at the Willows

SEND Information Report

Trade Union Facility Time Trade Union Facility Time
Website Audit for Compliancy

Paper copy of website audit available