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The Willows School is fully compliant with the DfE Prevent Duty for Schools (2023). "The aim of Prevent is to stop people from becoming terrorist or supporting terrorism. Prevent also extends to supporting the rehabilitation and disengagement of those already involved in terrorism." Prevent Duty Guidance 2023

"The overall aim of HM Government counter terrorism strategy, CONTEST, is to reduce the risk from terrorism to the UK, its citizens and interests overseas, so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence. PREVENT remains one of the key pillars of CONTEST alongside the other three 'p' work strands:

  • Prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism
  • Persue: to stop terrorist attacks 
  • Protect: to strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack
  • Prepare: to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack" (Prevent Duty Guidance 2023)                                                     

As part of our wider safeguarding duties, we recognise that it is essential that we are able to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified. All relevant staff undertake online CPD provided by the Home Office on identification of children vulnerable to radicalisation and the PREVENT duty every three years. Updates are provided through team meetings sharing relevant government updates and case studies.

Staff are aware of potential indicators that children are vulnerable to radicalisation regardless of age, gender, ethnicity etc. As a result, they are alert to changes in children’s behaviour, which could indicate that they may be in need of help or protection. Children at risk of radicalisation may display different signs or seek to hide their views. School staff use their professional judgement in identifying children who might be at risk of radicalisation and act proportionately. School staff report any concerns and, through discussion with the safeguarding team, understand when it is appropriate to make a referral to the Channel programme.

For more information please see our -Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation Policy.