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School Council

Welcome to our School Council!

                                Our Vision


What we want to do

We want all children in the school to be able to have a voice and make changes to improve our school.

We want all the children in the school to feel happy and safe.

We want everyone to enjoy their time at school, to learn and be the best that they can be.

We will work hard to represent our classes.

We want to make the school an even better place than it is already.


At the Willows School Academy Trust we demonstrate our fundamental British Values of democracy through our weekly School Council meetings. Every class has the opportunity to elect two members to attend these meetings, standing in as the representatives for their respective classes. Our democratic voting process within our classes ensures that the selection is fair and that our fundamental British Values are embedded within all levels of our school life. The School Council is an integral part of The Willows learning structure. They are encouraged and supported to make decisions, provide feedback and democratically vote on a range of issues that are important to the school and their peers.

The School Council represents the whole school. Through our School Council and class council work we hope that we can develop a balance and wholeness, helping to make our school community more harmonious to be in. Our School Council will enable pupils with positive attitudes to exert a positive influence on pupils. Everyone will benefit from the work of the School Council.

Our School Council aims:

  • We aim to make pupils feel comfortable, happy, healthy and safe at school.

  • We shall work hard to make our school a better place.

  • We want to improve our school by discussing ideas and making decisions.

  • We aim to listen to others and discuss comments and suggestions that would make our school an even better place.

  • We aim to give all pupils a voice.

  • We aim to work with our parents and carers to involve them and represent everyone in our school and the wider community.

Meeting the Mayor of Hillingdon!

Our School Council will encourage pupils to develop:

  • A sense of ownership over policy and practice.

  • An agreement about school issues such as behaviour.

  • A responsibility towards the school community and environment.

Our School Council should give pupils the experience of:

  • Planning, organising and monitoring small projects.

  • Speaking and listening skills.

  • Mediation and negotiating skills.

  • Basic budgeting and managing money.

Have a look at some of the exciting things School Council has been up to:

School Council 01.02.2024

School Council met along with Miss Remy and Mrs Downie to discuss the £100.00 that each class has been given to spend in their classrooms.
School Councillors had a discussion within their individual classes as to what they wanted to spend their money on. Each class then placed their suggestions into their class suggestion box.  This was then taken to the school council meeting where all suggestions were read out. A democratic vote was then taken as to which items could be ordered by the School Council for each class.


School Council 11.01.2024

The school council met to talk about our £100.00 budget spend for the classrooms. If the classrooms want anything within the £100.00 budget, they have to put their ideas into the suggestion boxes which are in their classrooms. These ideas will be discussed at the next meeting. We also spoke about how we can be buddies for any students that may be feeling sad. We talked about having more buddy sofas in the playground and wearing our high-visibility jackets so that students would know who we are when we ask them if they are ‘feeling alright’.

By Oliver, Nelly-Rae and Christopher

School Council - 07.12.2023

This week the School Council along with Miss Remy and Mrs Downie got together to revisit and discuss rules that can be placed onto the Playground Charter.  Having a Playground Charter will support the children to be safe and kind polite and respectful to everyone.

Article 19 – The right to be safe.

Article 12 – The right to have a voice and be heard.

Article 31 – The right to play.


School Council - 12.10.2023

This week school council met along with Miss Remy and Mrs Downie to discuss their vision and what they want to do to support the school. Some of the things they discussed were that:
  • Children should feel happy and safe in school.

  • Children should feel supported to have a voice and be heard.

  • School Councillor’s need to be positive role models.

  • The School Council want to make the school an even better place than it is already.

School Council Meeting - 28.09.2023

School Council met along with Mrs Downie and Miss Remy to discuss the meeting rules that we want to put in place so that our future meetings will run smoothly. Some examples given are:
  • No shouting

  • Listening to each other

  • Being kind polite and respectful to each other

  • No talking over each other

We then talked about the things we have achieved as school council. Such as:

  • Breakfast club

  • The shelter outside of Lime Class

  • Change of lunch menu

  • Buddy Sofa

We then had a discussion about some of the things that we want to do for the future.We want to hold charity events. Some examples given was:

  • Hold a charity football match

  • Take part in Children in Need

  • Tape a teacher to a wall

Watch this space for more about this!

Written by: Ben-Jr, Layla, Nelly-Rae and Alfie


First Meeting - 14.09.2023

The School Council had their first meeting today along with Mrs Downie. Mrs Downie congratulated us for being voted in by our classes after a democratic vote was held in each classroom. We talked about what it means to be a School Councillor and be a role model.