E- Safety
The internet is like a magician’s hat. It's full of exciting things to explore and children love it. But whilst they seem to know what they’re doing, sometimes it’s hard for parents to keep track.
The NSPCC & O2 have got lots of tips and advice. They also are running workshops to help you have the right conversations with your children. They even have a free helpline to give you personal advice whenever you need it. They have free parent posters and guides on Common Apps children are using for your information available on their website, which we have added below.
If you have concerns or want to find out more follow the link:
Other Useful links:
- National Online Safety: nationalonlinesafety.com
- Mumsnet: mumsnet.com
- ParentPort: parentport.org.uk
- The Parent Zone: theparentzone.co.uk
- Childnet International: childnet.com
- Vodafone Digital Parenting: vodafone.com/parents
- Thinkuknow: thinkuknow.co.uk/parents
- UK Safer Internet Centre: saferinternet.org.uk/parents
If you would like to view the E-Safety Policy click here
Parent Guides to Common Apps